martes, 29 de enero de 2008

Dr. Jekill and mr. Hyde

Last Thursday we went to Granada to see a play in English called "Dr. Jekill and Mr. Hyde". Here are a couple of photos of the event. I hope you enjoyed the play and you learnt something from it.

3 comentarios:

Mismy dijo...

the play was very interesting but some short.Thank for teach me,you are fantastic

jose miguel 3ºA dijo...

the play was very short but it was very funny with you

victoria 3ºA dijo...

olaaaaaaaaa sto es eb español ola blas ns ls paemos mu ben pk etubims mu dibertios y el teato ara muuuu entetenio nos lo pasems mu ben un bss VICTORIA (VICO) BEATRIZ(RUBI) UN BSS jejejejejejjeje

i love you blas