martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Learning English with Songs

As everybody knows, songs are one of the best ways to learn English at the same time as we enjoy ourselves. Here you have a website which can be very useful and I hope you learn a lot with it. And of course, have a good time. It's called Lyrics Training and it was Emilio who recommend it to me. Enjoy it.

martes, 9 de marzo de 2010

If I were a rich man

Hello, boys from 4th ESO. As we are studying the conditionals in class, here you have a nice old song which shows you this topic. It is a very well known song from a very well known film. I hope you like it and you learn from it. It is called The Fiddler on the Roof

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010


Yesterday, 26th January a group of students from our school went to Granada to see a play in English. Its name was Pygmalion and it was quite a good play. It's about a flower girl who wants to learn to sing and become a star in a musical. A voice coach teaches her but first he has to teach her how to talk and to behave like a lady.

The play was very good, we had a very good time and our students behaved very well. Let's continue like this.

Next play Dickens' Stories on 23rd February. I hope to see you there.
